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International Journal of Production Research Taylor

·The International Journal of Production Research publishes convincing scientific results with clear real life applications as well as fundamental techniques developed in computer decision and mathematical sciences to solve complex decision problems that arise in design measurement management and control of production and logistics systems

Home Cognitive Processing Springer

·This journal is indexed in Scopus and all published papers since 2018 issues were included in This journal has been included in SCImago Journal Rank SJR since 2020 or since SJR 2019 The CiteScore for the IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence is Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile with an SNIP of and an SJR

Home International Journal of Multimedia Information

The International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval is a peer reviewed scholarly archival journal publishing state of the art research and promising advances in the field of multimedia information retrieval Strives to present critical research findings in the multimedia information retrieval sector

Submission Guidelines International Journal Sage Journals

Sage acknowledges the importance of research data availability as an integral part of the research and verification process for academic journal articles International Journal encourages authors submitting any primary data used in their research articles alongside their article submissions to be published in the online version of the journal

International Journal of Asian Language Processing

Starting from 2020 World Scientific will publish Volume 30 2020 of the International Journal of Asian Language Processing in collaboration with The Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society COLIPS Previous volumes 1 29

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation Wiley Online

·Journal of Food Processing and Preservation is an open access journal publishing original research and review artcles covering advances in food processing and preservation As part of Wiley s Forward Series this journal offers a streamlined faster publication experience with a strong emphasis on integrity Authors receive practical support

Interscience Research Network Digital Publication

·Objectives The objectives of IJSISE are to establish an effective communications channel between researchers developers and professionals from both academia and industry so that they could report on the latest scientific and theoretical advances on applied signal and imaging systems discuss and debate major issues demonstrate and evaluate real

Home International Journal of Metalcasting Springer

International Journal of Metalcasting is a quarterly journal disseminating to the global community the latest developments in metalcasting focused research technology and manufacturing Addresses an international audience of scientific and technical leaders in metalcasting Published in affiliation with the American Foundry Society

Home Food and Bioprocess Technology Springer

The journal reviews technologies for ripeness quality damage disease assessment and prediction along with grading and classification techniques It examines processing technologies for agricultural and horticultural products and explores

International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing

·The International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing IJCVIP provides the latest industry findings useful to academicians researchers and practitioners regarding the latest developments in the areas of science and technology of machines imaging and their related applications

International Journal of Technology Management IJTM

Research in the International Journal of Technology Management has looked at the complexities and potential of such spin offs and sheds new light on the role played by the academic scientists involved in the process and how launch timing can make all the difference Andrew Park of the University of Victoria Canada and colleagues explain that

Information Processing & Management Journal

This journal is ranked by The Chartered Association of Business Schools Academic Journal Guide Australian Business Deans Council Chinese Academy of Sciences CAS China Computer Federation CCF BFI Denmark Computing Research & Education CORE Journal Ranking The Publication Forum Finland Science Citation Index Expanded Social Sciences

International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

·ISSN 0377 015X Print ; 2320 5199 Online This multi disciplinary Journal published since 1974 promotes all areas of pure and applied ecology plant animal microbial and human ecology and environmental science including environmental pollution conservation resource management sustainable development and global change

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

Structure Function and Interactions International Journal of Biological Macromolecules is an established international journal of research into chemical and biological aspects of all natural presents the latest findings of studies on the molecular structure and properties of proteins macromolecular carbohydrates glycoproteins proteoglycans lignins biological

International Journal of Cast Metals Research

·The International Journal of Cast Metals Research is devoted to the dissemination of peer reviewed information on the science and engineering of cast metals solidification and casting processes Assured production of high integrity castings requires an integrated approach that optimises casting mould and gating design; mould materials and

International Journal Of Manufacturing And Materials Processing

About the Journal International Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 2582 5046 is a peer reviewed hybrid open access journal launched in 2015 that provides students researchers View Full Focus and Scope… Journal Particulars

Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy

The International Journal of Science and Research IJSR is an online open access double blind reviewed and fully refereed journal Join our community of researchers today Our team is available 24/7 to answer any questions or doubts you may have regarding the journal submission process Thank you for taking the time to discover

International Journal of Pharmacology Home

International Journal of Pharmacology IJP is an internationally recognized Journal contains peer review material and provides broad coverage of all aspects of the interactions of drugs and medicines with biological systems chemical physiological and behavioral effects ; including autonomic behavioral cardiovascular cellular clinical developmental gastrointestinal

ISSN Approved International Journal of Science Fast

High Impact factor Peer Reviewed Referred ISSN Approved International Journal of Science with Fast Publication in 2 days IJSRA is the best Journal for Publication of Research and Review articles with Low Article Processing Fee or Low Publication Fee Authors only pay Nominal article processing charges Just INR 1770/ or USD 32

International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition

The International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition IJDAR publishes articles of four primary types original research papers correspondence overviews and summaries and system descriptions It also features special issues on active areas of research

International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry Wiley Online

·International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry will consider for review articles previously available as preprints Authors may also post the submitted version of a manuscript to a preprint server at any time To raise a complaint regarding editorial staff policy or process please contact the journal in the first instance

Journal of Process Control by Elsevier

A journal of IFAC the International Federation of Automatic Control This international journal covers the application of control theory operations research computer science and engineering principles to the solution of process control problems In addition to the traditional chemical processing View full aims & scope $

International Journal of Coal Preparation and

Signal Image and Video Processing is an interdisciplinary journal focusing on theory and practice of signal image and video processing Sets forth practical solutions for current signal image and video processing problems in engineering and science Features reviews tutorials and accounts of practical developments

Home Quantum Information Processing Springer

Quantum Information Processing disseminates state of the art experimental and theoretical research across the entire spectrum of Quantum Information


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