• +86 15836135778
  • No. 1688, East Gaoke Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China.
Kugler Womako ProBind in Macclesfield United Kingdom

Kugler Womako ProBind in Macclesfield United Kingdom Get Financing Our financing partner can help you get fast easy and affordable financing for your equipment purchase Specifications Condition new Category Post press in United Kingdom Subcategory Probind Subcategory 2 Printing and finishing machinery Listing ID 66009510

Product of Excellence Award for Kugler Womako s EcoBinder

·Kugler Womako s EcoBinder books have won the 2015 Binding Industries Association s Product of Excellence award for best product design BW Papersystems offers a wide selection of paper industry equipment with industry leading technology Learn more about the BW Papersystems equipment and products offered Click Here Recent News Sylvamo do

Used Kugler Womako calendar production machines

Kugler Womako 341 2 Year 1998 Category Calendar Production KUGLER PUNCH 341 2 1994 mach no 2540 341 2 Technical specifications Working width 500 mm 2 punching cumbs

Kugler Womako showcases new labeling system at FachPack

·Kugler Womako a subsidiary of the Krber PaperLink Group will exhibit its newly developed Combina Flex System at the FachPack fair which will take place from September 26 to 28 in Nuremberg Germany At stand 9 328 hall 9 the Nrtingen based machine manufacturer will be presenting efficient labeling systems for standard applications

Kugler Womako Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Contact Email customerservice ; Phone Number 49 7022 7002 0; Lists Featuring This Company Edit Lists Featuring This Company Section Baden Wurttemberg Companies With Less Than $500M in Revenue Top 10K 9 823 Number of Organizations • $ Total Funding Amount • 1 024 Number of Investors

Stanley Press Equipment Kugler Womako ProPad 317

·UK based Suppliers of Printed and Finishing Machinery ranging from Pile Turners to Guillotines and Sheet Handling Systems Service Spares and Reconditioned Machines also available

MarquipWardUnited to Acquire Will Pemco & Kugler Womako

·Will Pemco and Kugler Womako generated combined sales averaging $125 million USD over the past five years As part of the transaction their 350 associates will join MarquipWardUnited s 1 100 team members worldwide

PassPort 2R

·Passport 2R base equipment • Flat feeder for sewn layers and/or • Rotary feeder for chip inlays • Feeder for cover material e covers and/or chip inlays • Pressing • Delivery in shingles PassPort 2 30R and PassPort 2 50R Cycles/min Max 30 or 50 Layers double up Size range Technical data 160 224 mm max 4 mm 250 330 mm

Used Kugler Womako poinçonneuses machinery PressCity

Search used graphic equipment from all around the world Trusted dealers The best brands quick response 1998 Kugler Womako 341 2 KUGLER PUNCH 341 2 1994 mach no 2540 341 2 Technical specifications Working width 500 mm 2 punching cumbs Format area punched p

PassPort 2 Rotografix

·Passport 2 basic equipment • Feeder for sewn layers • Seam gluing with cold glue • Feeding of cover material e covers and/or chip inlays • Laminating of cover material or chip inlays • Pressing of layers • Delivery PassPort 2 30 PassPort 2 50 Cycles/min Max 30 Layers double up Max 50 Layers double up Size range Technical data

Realignment as Körber Process Solutions Home

Overview Creators makers pioneers More than 12 000 employees globally active and passionate about innovation — that is the way to achieve both market and technological leadership Will Pemco and Kugler Womako which remains subject to the approval of antitrust authorities With its other business areas Tissue Mail Solutions and

Used Kugler for sale Renz equipment & more Machinio

2004 Kugler Womako ProPunch 36/150 Automatic Punch System used Manufacturer Kugler Womako; Continuous feed and unloading for maximum productivity Materials are taken from the top of the stack for best results on a wide variety of materials Trouble free punching of mixed materials cardboard and

Kugler Womako / BW Papersystems

Kugler Womako es el líder mundial del mercado en la producción de máquinas para la fabricación de pasaportes con la primera línea de fabricación de pasaportes totalmente automatizada lanzada en 1977 por Kugler Automation GmbH Hoy en día Kugler Womako representa alrededor del 70 80% de la cuota de mercado en maquinaria de acabado de

kugler womako used machine for sale

Vollautomatische Hochleisungsstanze Fully Automatic Punching System KUGLER WOMAKO ProPunch 50 110 R Baujahr / Year 2009 Serial No MK00579 Arbeitsbreite / Working width max 500mm Format / Sizes min 120 x 105mm Format / Sizes max 500 x 500mm Stanzstärke / Punching thickness max 3mm Mechanische Taktleistung per Minute / Mechanical

BW Papersystems Stuttgart / BW Papersystems

Die Kugler Womako GmbH trat der Familie von Barry Wehmiller Unternehmen im Jahr 2014 dann folgte die bielomatik Papierverarbeitung im Jahr 2015 Kugler Womako und das geschaffene Unternehmen BW Bielomatik fusionierten im Jahr 2016 und sind nun zusammen stärker denn je BW Papersystems Stuttgart

Kugler Womako Celebrates Kugler s 50th Anniversary

·Kugler Womako Celebrates Kugler s 50th Anniversary Published October 19 2012 In 1961 the former technical director of Bielomatik Walter Kugler set up a design office in Bad Cannstatt and then founded Kugler Automation GmbH one year first machine from Bad Cannstatt was a writing pad machine for gluing the tops of pads with cold glue and was

PassPort 1

·Kugler Womako PassPort 1 PassPort Machine for Collating and Sewing of Printed Sheets Features • Suitable for electronic Machine Readable Travel Document eMRTD according to ISO and ICAO standards • Highest productivity and reliable production in terms of quality and output

Kugler Womako GmbH LinkedIn

Kugler Womako GmbH 328 LinkedIn 。Kugler Womako has a long tradition as a supplier of machinery for the paper processing industry Because of the merger of the two eponymously named companies in 1999 expertise in the fields of machine manufacturing for security documents and in the stationery / bookbinding industries was brought together The

Stanley Press Kugler Womako PassPort 1

All passport machines by Kugler Womako adhere to the strict quality guidelines of the ICAO and ISO for Machine Readable Passports MRP and electronic passports 3 and 4 machines Passport 1 basic equipment Several feeders unlimited number Alignment of layers Reinforcing tape application Feeder for security film and polycarbonate

Pioniere in der Papierverarbeitungsindustrie

Will Pemco und der Papiersparte von Bielomatik Will wurde 1866 gegründet Pemco startete im Jahr 1960 und in den 1950er Jahren wurden die ersten Papierverarbeitungsmaschinen von Bielomatik gebaut BW Papersystems Stuttgart findet seine Wurzeln in Kugler Automation und Womako Maschinenkonstruktion die 1999 zu Kugler Womako wurden

ProPunch Punching Machines

·Kugler Womako GmbH Schlosserstraße 15 72622 Nürtingen GERMANY t 49 7022 7002 0 info About us BW Papersystems part of Barry Wehmiller combines extremely strong brands innovative technologies and longstanding experience for the paper and board sheeting; converting and corrugating industries

Used Kugler Punching Tools for sale Machineseeker

Year of construction 2009 Condition used Functionality fully functional Kugler Womako Probind 2009 Hand feed station can fit two people ok punch re collation metal spiral book turner delivery belt 2 cut and bend units for metal spiral 3 coil loop units 4 1 oval spiral from 12mm dia to 24mm dia Machine bought set up to accept plastic

Used Kugler Womako for sale Renz equipment & more —

Search for used kugler womako Find Renz for sale on Machinio USD $ USD United States General Medical Equipment 116107 Maintenance Repair and Operations MRO 80253 Tractors 78386 Show more Countries USA 1417007 Canada 244877 United Kingdom 183677 China 657673


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